We're reinventing consumer research for design agencies—and we want your feedback.
We're offering a free 3-month pilot of our tools that support the early stages of the design process—including highly-predictive design screening with real consumers—to a limited number of creative agencies. We'll bring the data; you bring the feedback on our self-serve app designed expressly for agencies.
Why have we built a design research app for agencies?
Typically, robust consumer research occurs at the end of the design process to validate a chosen design direction—way too late to provide any meaningful direction to creatives. At Designalytics, we think the role of research should be to provide creatives with as much objective information as possible, as early in the process as possible—not to render an ironclad judgment about whether a particular design is fit for launch. The more a brand employs high-quality, quantitative research at the beginning of the design process, the less such a judgment becomes.
We've got a theory: Get the right information into the hands of talented creatives at the right time, and magic will happen. Want to help us prove it? Fill out the form below to request a free 3-month pilot of our platform.